Iowa West Sports Plex
The Iowa West Sports Plex is a modern indoor turf sport and recreation complex that was recently constructed near the Mid America Center In Council Bluffs. It included all the typical services associated with civil site design. Scott enjoys this type of work and can complete all the needed civil engineering services for your next building project at very reasonable cost.
The Iowa West Sports Plex fills a need that has been present for many years. This Indoor turf facility provides recreation and youth sports a space where they can compet year round. Scott worked with the Iowa West Foundation and the project architect from the beginning of the planning phase to fit this large facility on a tight site. He completed all components of civil site design, and helped solve construction issues as they arose. One challenge of this project was site drainage and stormwater detention requirements . Scott worked with the owner, architect, and the City of Council Bluffs to come up with a solution that met all requirements in a cost effective and aesthetically pleasing way.
Site Planning
Civil Site Design
Utility Design
Parking Lot Design
Drainage Study
Stormwater Management Plan
SWPPP Design
Council Bluffs, IA
Iowa West Foundation
Note - Scott's work on this projects was completed while he was employed at another consulting engineering company.